22 August 2011

Thinking about thinking

Here's my attempt to try and start writing again. Now that I've completed my Masters of GIS, I've had to do much, much, much less writing. Issues of urban mobility are still on my mind and I'm planning on sharing some of my experiences. I now live in a more walkable neighbourhood and I'm enjoying not needing the car to do everything. I hope to post about the enjoyable walks I've had taking the kids to the pool and getting groceries. My wife's been pulling the bike trailer to libraries and splash parks all summer. We also opted to take the bikes for our family trips to Heritage Days and the Fringe Festival. I hope I'll also have a post or two about a new LRT line which is supposed to pass close to my home. It's still a long way away but I'm looking forward to it.

Plus, I'll soon have some stories about suffering at the back of the pack in cyclocross races.

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