12 September 2006

Sports photography

Week and a bit into the new job and I'm enjoying myself immensely. Everyone around the office seems to be very happy working together and hanging out together. I feel I'm picking up the foundations of what I'll be doing quite well and it'll be great to build on that and be able to contribute technically to what's going on. I might even get more time for programming.

Away from work there's little going on. Ergo, I've remained fairly lazy and unfocused. I had hoped to do some cyclocross racing but I don't think that's a good idea. I get 20 minutes of riding in a day when the weather is nice and an hour of walking when the weather is poor. The only time I raise my heart rate during my ride is on the way home when I have two climbs; one up three levels of a parkade and the other up the hill behind Sunnyside. 45 minutes with a heart rate exceeding 170 bpm is probably not good for me and hasn't been done by me since last cyclocross season. I could probably get myself talked into the two races in Edmonton over Thanksgiving by Marg except for the cost of a licence for such a short time. I'll probably just exercise my new camera and take some pictures at the races around Calgary and the Thanksgiving races in Edmonton. Ying and her friends are interested in indoor rock climbing so I think I'll be doing that soon. It's supposed to snow on Thursday but skiing will have to wait a few more months.

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