I did my first Tuesday Night 'Cross race today. I missed last week for some meet the teacher time. I liked the course though I found there were long, non-technical sections where I needed better fitness. There were two good sections of turns, one on the side of a hill and one while cruising down a slight downhill.
I covered 7.32 km in 27:24 for an average speed of 16 km and a maximum of 33.4 km/h. I averaged 166 bpm with a maximum of 178 bpm so I was pushing fairly hard, for me. My heart rate was a little low on the first lap because I started towards the back and the turns on the sidehill slowed down the group severely. I tried a few aggressive passes but I would get halfway beside the rider in front of me but then I would get cut off and have to get back in line. It took nearly a lap for me to get to my pace without someone going slower than me through the corners. My lap times were 7:15, 6:34, 6:42, and 6:53. My average heart rate was over 10 bpm lower on the first lap, at 157 bpm, than my other three laps which were 168 - 170 bpm. I'm thinking about starting at the front next week so I can get through the first corners at a good pace and let everyone else worry about passing me.
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