Today was the Blow Street Cross in Calgary. I spent almost all my time since the Oval Cross two weeks ago training by doing my university homework and eating cookies. The weather has not been nice for cycling and I haven't bought a trainer or made time to hit the gym at the UofC. I made things better by spending my warm-up time driving home to pick up my race numbers. Still, the weather improved enough for this weekend that most of the snow had melted from the park where today's race was held. The snow and wet grass created some interest to a mostly flat course. My front tire slid quite a few times as I entered chicanes, there was one spot where I couldn't get traction with my rear tire as I tried to get going up a hill after a corner and one corner was quite tough with roots on the entry and in the apex. There were some boring parts due to long straights. If I had some conditioning, it would have been a good course for me 'cause I'm not a good climber unless it's a short, technical climb. After the fun I had at the Oval Cross, I did put the cleats in my shoes but they weren't needed on this course.
I ended up one lap down, completing six laps in 43:31 over a distance of 12.3 km. I averaged 17 km/h with a maximum of 35.9 km/h. My average speed dropped after my first two laps due to my lack of conditioning over the last little while. There was only about 15 m of climbing every lap and the stretches through the trees interfered with my GPS a bit. I don't know how dependable my heart rate info was but I averaged 179 bpm with a maximum of 187 bpm so I was definitely trying my best.
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