Sunday was the Aerobic Power TT. I've been training and commuting by bike but I've been having my ups and downs physically this Spring so I wasn't too sure how it would go.
The course was a simple, straight, out and back for 20 km. I thought it would be extremely boring but the hills added some interest. I was actually surprised to see the elevation difference in the mapmyride.com info before the race. While driving out to Seba Beach, I saw all the rolling hills and knew they would be part of the course. I know what my body should be able to do during a time trial so I set my GPS to report just heart rate, distance and time. The alarm was set to go off if my heart rate dipped below 170 bpm but, once I got it over that, I only had one lull during the race when I was passed by another rider with about three kilometres to go who couldn't keep that pace going. I was stuck because I didn't have the power to pass him and make it stick and he slowed just slightly after getting in front of me. He slowed again about one kilometre from the finish so I did finally go around him. At the finish, he sprinted past me again.
I started my GPS a few seconds late but I recorded 20.00 km in 35:34 for an average speed of 33.75 km/h and a maximum speed of 57.8 km/h. The results haven't been posted yet so I don't know how I placed in Cat 5. I was passed by two riders and didn't catch anyone in front of me. There was 145 m of climbing with a total range of 100 m in elevation. I averaged 177 bpm with a maximum heart rate of 187 bpm. The odd thing about that if my maximum was measured four years ago at 185 bpm. If I take a new maximum of 187, I averaged nearly 95% of my maximum heart rate for the entire race but I felt I could sustain 180 bpm which makes my aerobic threshold very high.
The ups this Spring have been my weight and sticking to my training program. In January, I was over 91 kg after a big lunch. The weight-loss challenge at work helped me drop down to my current weight of just over 79 kg. I hope to drop four more over the Summer. While the snow was still on the ground, I was able to stick to my weight-lifting program and I'm now working in FFAST and interval training during my commute. The downs have been some leg injuries. Either because of not warming up properly or because I'm doing single-leg exercises with heavy weights which tax stabilizer muscles, I've had some pains down my legs. The past two weeks have been the worst. Walking is difficult and I cannot run but sitting is nearly pain-free. I feel my best when riding my bike no matter how hard I push. I've been seeing my chiropractor and I've notice some improvement. Still, it's been a painful two weeks and counting.
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