Saturday, 16 August found us out playing paintball. It was my first time but LP had played before in China. Rod organized the whole thing for his co-workers and a few friends. He had played before when he was younger along with Alex. Jesse made it out too for his second time or so. A few of Rod's co-workers came wearing camouflage and packing their own guns. If this was something I was going to play a lot more, I'd invest in my own gun too 'cause the flight of my paintballs was quite random. I had Jesse and Rod on my team with LP and Alex on the other team. At most, we had about eight players on each side.
We started out on a field which had two ridges on either side, sloped down in the middle towards three small bridges and fences and has some mounds in between. I was surprised that a few people shot a few rounds right off the bat at such a long range but one of these shots found LP's mask and she was out in the first few seconds. Our team held the fence and pinned the other team behind the earthen mounds until Michelle just walked across a bridge and stood in the open shooting the other team. Her move took even us by surprise but we tried to shoot a few shots from long range to keep the enemy in place while Michelle walked up close. This strategy would prove costly for Michelle later in the day. We were on an urban setting and she pushed ahead without other people knowing. Three of us were working together on that side when she came running back towards us into a house. She has a similar build and was wearing the exact same coveralls and LP, who was on the other team. Jesse showed some great reactions by shooting her in the leg as she burst back into the house he was about to occupy. It left her with a bit of a bruise.
We got in about eight games in our three hours on the field. I went through about 500 paintballs but only had about two confirmed kills. I spent a lot of time hiding behind different structures but I was usually quite far forward. I was also using quite a few shots to fix the enemy in place while team mates came up to help. I would also shoot a number of rounds as tracers so I could find the range with my gun. The rental gun was anything but a straight shooter so I usually shot a number of rounds at a person and hoped for the best. I was only shot four times. In the third game, I was out of ammo and one ball hit me in the elbow but didn't break. Since I couldn't do much at that point, I gave up. In the fourth game, my team started behind a very small van with large windows which didn't have the glass anymore. The other team started in a large house with very small openings to shoot out of. Alex shot my goggles and then my hand as I raised it to surrender. In the last game, Rod declared a free for all in the middle so we could waste the last of our paint. I got shot in the thigh from across the map and have a very small welt to show for it.
In the end, I had lots of fun playing paintball for the day despite wearing coveralls over long pants and a long sleeve shirt as the temperature climbed towards 30°C. It sounds like we'll organize a similar outing again in the future.
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