A big thanks to Rod for coming up for the weekend and driving my Beetle here. We're now ready to sell it. I should've let him borrow it for the entire week as he might have wanted to buy it. It's still available to anyone who wants it. I'll be cleaning it up and putting out some ads right away. While he was here, we did very little. This was mostly due to the bad weather over the long weekend. It even snowed on Monday! Ying's mom did show us how to make zongzi, a Chinese, sticky rice treat. The ingredients are simple; wrapping the bamboo leaf is tough. Still, I'm willing to keep practising until I get it.
On the birth front, there's a doin's transpiring! Monday morning brought some practice contractions and Ying also put on a little bloody show for the doctor to check this afternoon. According to legend, Ying's mom delivered 姐姐 just hours after a show and 姐姐 delivered 倩 a day or two after a show. Our regular baby doctor was away today so we saw one of the other doctors in the clinic. She's young and admitted that she doesn't deliver babies. Our regular doctor's team is at the hospital and it now seems that they all practice out of different clinics. The doctor who saw us said the show could mean the baby will come soon to two weeks. The book Sheila gave us says imminent to six weeks. Of course, there are only nine days before the due date so I don't think this pregnancy will last another six weeks. The nerves kicked into high gear Monday morning before the contractions proved to be obviously false. Feeling unprepared and having a long time to go is one thing; feeling unprepared and having to head to the hospital for the real deal is another.
In other news, my sister will be induced in the morning. Looks like my baby will be the younger cousin as I was the younger child.
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