With just 98 days left (± 2 weeks), things are still changing rapidly for Ying and I. We're settling into our new house and making it a home. We still have lots of shopping to do to prepare for the baby. And shopping for others since Alex's due to be a dad tomorrow or so and I've accepted an invite to a first birthday party. Ying regrets not getting her driver's licence as soon as she got to Canada because we're a little further from everything out here. Still, things could be worse.
Things might start getting worse soon if the Brick doesn't get their act together. Despite my hating the Brick, which isn't completely related to Mike Comrie and the Edmonton Oilers, I found myself purchasing a washer and dryer there. In retrospect, I should have gone to Leon's since the Brick only had that deal on in order to match a Leon's price. I almost walked out except we had the least pushy Brick salesman I've ever met; he only tried to sell me the extended warranty three times! They must have sold quite a few washers and dryers since they wouldn't be able to deliver for a while. That while expired yesterday so I'll be calling tomorrow to see where my washer and dryer are. I need them soon 'cause I'm running low on clean clothes. Don't worry, I'm not down to the inside-out/back-to-front thing with my underwear just yet. My closet is brimming a bit more than usual since Mark's has been putting lots of stuff on clearance which Ying has been buying up for me.
The weather has improved enough for me to get in one bike ride to work. In Calgary's continuing infinite wisdom, it was decided that bike routes should wind through neighbourhoods and climb as many hills as possible. Streets with bike routes are also obviously different from other streets since they have the little bike route sign posted intermittently along them. No marked bike lanes, not even a wider shoulder is to be had in my whole 14 km commute downtown. I also live in the void of bike paths as there are few between here and downtown and the ones which do exist around here are short, useless and go nowhere. I'm sure the little bike route signs will prove effective in keeping me from being struck down by some large SUV as I fight traffic. I notice that all motorists are keenly aware of the signs posted beside the road. The car pool lane down Centre St is normally 60% - 70% filled with lonely people, idling their car in traffic while they drive just themselves downtown. Oh well, I should be in shape soon enough that it'll be faster for me to ride my bike than take the bus.
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