Since we were expecting our second child and and our first was born naturally, we were told that this birth might go faster than the first one. It really didn't start out that way though.
On Wednesday, Ying noticed she was leaking. We finally were convinced that it was amniotic fluid and she had a small hole in her membranes. She had a few very mild contractions but it wasn't time to go to the hospital. All our research said labour should start within 24 hours so we decided to wait. Thursday morning brought no change: very slow leak and a few more mild contractions. Ying had an appointment late in the afternoon so we thought we might wait for that. We did e-mail Rob and Tammy so I could let Rob know I probably wasn't going to come to work and, since they have six children and Tammy's going back to being a maternity ward nurse, they're a very valuable source of advice for my young family. Tammy phoned back a few minutes later and said to go to the hospital; there's a risk of infection if the membranes are broken so she thought they'd probably induce us. She was bang on.
My Grade 12 English teacher has a great philosophy on life which I've taken to heart, "start slow, and taper off." I would soon find that my second child is good at the first part of this but needs work on the second part.
9:30 - triage in the maternity ward. Ying's membranes are definitely broken and she'll be admitted and induced. Phoned Mom to come up from Edmonton if she wants to experience the birth.
14:45 - Ying's on a drip and the induction has started. Things should take a few hours so I step out for a necessary run to Superstore.
16:00 - I'm back. Ying had a quick nap. Mild contractions but they're more regular.
16:30 - Mom arrives. No change in Ying.
17:00 - Our nurse goes on break. Ying at 5 cm but was at 4 cm last week at her doctor appointment.
17:20 - Contractions are starting to get quite painful. Ying wants an epidural and the nurse covering says she can get one ready but Ying cannot have it in until our nurse comes back since the covering nurse cannot monitor two and assist with the epidural.
17:25 - Nurse goes to make arrangements for the epidural. "If you feel like pushing, press the call button."
17:28 - Very painful contractions. Ying: "I feel like pushing!" Me: "You were only 5 cm a little while ago. I don't think the baby's coming yet." Ying: "The baby's coming!" I hit the call button.
17:29 - Covering nurse comes in and takes a look at Ying: "hit the call button!" Nursing station over the intercom: "Yes?" Covering nurse: "we're having a baby in here!"
17:30 - A doctor who just happened to hear the call and Ying's screams at the nursing station and three or four other nurses burst into the room. "Hi, I'm Dr. O'Keane" We shake hands quickly as he assesses the situation and I try to hold Ying down during another very painful contraction.
17:36 - After a few minutes of pushing and screaming, Shannon Wei Reynard enters the world.
After the birth, Ying's quite shocky because of how everything developed so quickly. Shannon's cleaned up and presented to her grandma. We were all able to relax in the birthing room. Shannon barely cried the whole time and spent a long, long time suckling on Ying and being content. Ying was moved into a room to spend the night. The evening meal had been served so Mom and I picked up some soup and a grilled cheese sandwich from the cafeteria downstairs. Ying proved she had fully recovered by polishing off both in no time.