I've started my off-season training with some weight lifting. I also had the urge to go for a ride and it was nice enough to do today. A number of paths have been added to the top of Nose Hill so I decided to see how they link up. It took me an hour on my cyclocross bike with knobby tires to complete a 20.3 km loop. I needed the knobby tires because there were a few sections with ice and coming down off Nose Hill was packed snow. It was enjoyable to descend on the snow but it was much bumpier than when I used to ride through the snow with my mountain bike with its front shock. The path on Nose Hill has also been inlaid with small rocks. It makes it a bit rough for slick tires but I imagine it's better for grip when walking in the winter when there's a little ice on the path. I averaged 149 bpm because I wasn't trying to go fast but there were 275 m of climbing and I'm not a climber.